Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring Break is coming...

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Dear students,

The Winter Quarter is almost over. It went fast, didn't it? So, this week is the last week of the quarter. We'll see each other again on April 2nd, which is the 1st day of Spring Quarter. I hope you'll be studying during the spring break, and when you come back to class, you'll still remember what you have learned.

This quarter you learned many different things. You learned new grammar and new words. You practiced dialogs. You read some stories and talked about different subjects. You asked and answer questions, corrected and helped each other. You used computers. You read posts in the ESL Blog, watched videos, reviewed grammar and did some exercises. You also practiced your pronunciation and improved your listening skill. So, you did a lot.

We had a few new students almost at the end of this quarter, and some of them have never used a computer before. So this experience was interesting and useful for them. Some of our students created own blogs and started posting in them.

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I know you are hardworking students, and you want to learn more. I hope to see you all next quarter in class. Have a great Spring Break!
