Monday, December 14, 2009

New Video Links!

Everyone did a good job on their videos.....take a look at each other's blogs and see for yourself!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tonight's Classwork

Students -
Please help each other tonight. Please read the letter on the desk.
1. Look at ALL THE PAST TENSE VERBS on the list. Help each other to fill in the final words. TOMORROW (WED) we'll have a test on them.

2. Yesterday we went to the library. How many sentences can you write using PAST TENSE VERBS about it? (I am expecting 3-8 sentences, depending on your writing skills.)

For example:
We We went to the library. I wore a hat because it was cold. We left here at 6:30.
You can visit - images - and put in an image too: Maybe the Fairwood Library? Or a book cover? Or....? (Dalong, Esther, Ivan, and Olga can help you add an image...Maybe Juventino too.....)

3. Please visit 2-3 blogs and leave comments.

You can play "partner games" in the other room and also fill in the grammar handouts/crosswords. How many can you do? Write your name on them. Give everything to Sofia when you are done.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tonight's Challenge

Post your comment HERE!
You must write 5 sentences using the past tense words from our list (parts 1, 2, 3) but you must use DIFFERENT VERBS than the other students. Talk to each other to "dibs" the words you want! ("Dibs" means "I want it.")
Say, for example, "I dibs went!"
Post your five sentences HERE, so we can easily see all of them.

Then, work with a partner to study our new words: "say" through "take". We will have a Spelling Bee in class.